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AIDS has had a devastating impact on Africa.


In Uganda alone, AIDS has killed approximately one million people. It has significantly reduced life expectancy leaving more than a million children orphaned.(1)

AIDS has had a detrimental effect on Uganda's work force, significantly reducing agricultural output and food security as well as weakening their educational and health service system.(2)

As this pandemic continues to take the lives of many, the most vulnerable of these cry out...

My church is responding to this cry.

Oasis Christian Center is partnering up with Watoto ministries to bring Christmas to over 2000 orphaned children and their adopted mothers in Uganda. When I first heard this news I remembered this verse in Isaiah 6:8 -

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"

This December I will be joining the Oasis' volunteer team as we travel to Uganda and bring much needed supplies to this war and disease torn country. The situation in Uganda is dire and our team cannot do this without your help. To make my trip possible I need to raise $3500 by September 29th.  If you can support me in a financial way, I would be very grateful. But, most importantly, I need your prayer support.

I hope you will join me to help bring the most amazing Christmas to these children.  I invite you to visit the photo gallery and video section on this website to see what Watoto and my church have already been doing in Uganda. 

Thank you so much for your interest. 

In Christ's Love,

Idolina Delgado  

1. UNAIDS 2008 Report on the global AIDS epidemic

2. Government of Uganda (2008) ‘UNGASS country progress report Uganda, January 2006 to December 2007’ (assessable through UNAIDS Uganda country report)